Websérie/Show - Quebra Claquete
Mariana é chefe da produtora Libélula Filmes e junto com sua equipe tem que enfrentar os problemas de quem está começando no ramo como clientes chatos, problema com equipamentos e verba.
Funções no projeto: Ator do personagem Lucas.
Mariana is the head of the production company Libélula Films, and together with her team, has to face the problems of those who are starting out in the business, such as annoying customers, problems with equipment and budget.
Roles in the project: Actor of the character Lucas.
Filme/Movie - Corações Entrelaçados / Intertwined Hearts
O longa acompanha a chegada dos ciganos a uma cidade do interior.
O Projeto
Dirigido por Rui Matteo Filho, as gravações do filme aconteceram em 2022 começando na cidade de Iracemápolis e depois indo em outras cidades do estado de São Paulo.
Funções no projeto: ator, direção de fotografia e câmera.
The film follows the arrival of gypsies in an interior city.
The project
Directed by Rui Matteo Filho, the film's recordings took place in 2022, starting in the city of Iracemápolis and later going to other cities in the state of São Paulo.
Roles in the project: actor, cinematographer and camera.
Websérie / SHow - Pássaro Azul: Diferentes Ares / Blue Bird: Different Airs
Em Pássaro Azul: Diferentes Ares, acompanhamos jovens de Iracemápolis que precisam aprender a serem super-heróis enquanto dividem seu tempo com a escola, os amigos e a família. A série é uma antologia que apresenta alguns adolescentes do interior de São Paulo que possuem superpoderes, tendo eles que enfrentar desde dilemas pessoais como Cavaleiros Fantasmas ou agentes secretos.
O Projeto
A websérie foi feita como Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) de Cinema e Audiovisual da Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP) e depois foi concluída com o apoio do edital Aldir Blanc, e visa utilizar o conceito de transmídia para trazer o universo de super-heróis para o Brasil, mais especificamente para o interior.
O projeto foi construído como proposta de Cinema e Educação, fazendo uma integração com a E. E. Cesarino Borba da cidade de Iracemápolis-SP, no intuito de apresentar aos estudantes o processo de se fazer cinema deixando-os participarem da produção como personagens, figurantes e assistentes de produção.
A websérie ganhou o prêmio de Melhor Produto de Web no Festival Jaguatirica.
Funções no projeto: Diretor, roteirista, produtor executivo, diretor de arte, editor e ator do personagem Pássaro Azul.
In Blue Bird: Different Airs, we follow teenagers from Iracemápolis who need to learn to be superheroes while sharing their time with school, friends and family. The series is an anthology that features some teenagers from the interior of São Paulo who have superpowers, having to face personal dilemmas such as ghost riders or secret agents.
In Blue Bird: Different Airs, we follow teenagers from Iracemápolis who need to learn to be superheroes while sharing their time with school, friends and family. The series is an anthology that features some teenagers from the interior of São Paulo who have superpowers, having to face personal dilemmas such as ghost riders or secret agents.
The project
The show was made as a Course Completion Work (TCC) in Cinema and Audiovisual at the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) and was later completed with the support of the Aldir Blanc stimulus award, and aims to use the concept of transmedia to bring the universe of super -heroes for Brazil, more specifically for the interior.
The project was built as a cinema and education proposal, making an integration with E. E. Cesarino Borba from the city of Iracemápolis-SP, in order to introduce students to the process of making cinema by letting them participate in the production as characters, extras and assistants of production.
The show won the Best Web Product award at the Jaguatirica Festival.
The show was made as a Course Completion Work (TCC) in Cinema and Audiovisual at the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) and was later completed with the support of the Aldir Blanc stimulus award, and aims to use the concept of transmedia to bring the universe of super -heroes for Brazil, more specifically for the interior.
The project was built as a cinema and education proposal, making an integration with E. E. Cesarino Borba from the city of Iracemápolis-SP, in order to introduce students to the process of making cinema by letting them participate in the production as characters, extras and assistants of production.
The show won the Best Web Product award at the Jaguatirica Festival.
Roles in the project: Director, screenwriter, executive producer, art director, editor and actor of the character Blue Bird.
Curta-Metragem / Short Film - A Outra Festa / Another Party
Durante uma festa de aniversário no boliche, uma pré-adolescente tenta recuperar sua bola do fundo da pista quando suas chances de acertar os pinos acabam. A menina tenta alcançar a bola se esticando o máximo que pode dentro da abertura, mas, ao tocar a bola com a ponta dos dedos, as luzes normais do estabelecimento se apagam. Ao se levantar, com apenas as luzes neon acesas, ela percebe que todos da festa desapareceram, deixando ela frente a frente com uma criatura anômala hostil que a caça por todo o boliche dessa dimensão alternativa. Em seu confronto final, a menina acaba acidentalmente matando a criatura e recupera a bola de boliche. Ao tocar nela as luzes se acendem novamente, revelando um grupo de pessoas vestindo roupas formais na área anterior à pista de boliche. A menina engole seco ao perceber que aquela ainda não é a dimensão dela.
Sobre o curta
"A Outra Festa" é um curta-metragem dirigido por Sophia Leite Lima e escrito por Mare Montanher, da produtora universitária Accio Filmes da Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP).
During a birthday party at the bowling, a teenager girl tries to retrieve her ball from the back of the alley when her chances of hitting the pins are gone. The girl tries to reach the ball by stretching as much as she can inside the opening, but when she touches the ball with her fingertips, the normal lights in the establishment go out. When she gets up, with only the neon lights on, she realizes that everyone at the party has disappeared, leaving her face to face with a hostile anomalous creature that hunts her throughout the bowling alley of this alternate dimension. In their final confrontation, the girl ends up accidentally killing the creature and retrieves the bowling ball. When tapped on it the lights come back on, revealing a group of people wearing formal clothes in the area before the bowling alley. The girl swallows when she realizes that this is not her size yet.
During a birthday party at the bowling, a teenager girl tries to retrieve her ball from the back of the alley when her chances of hitting the pins are gone. The girl tries to reach the ball by stretching as much as she can inside the opening, but when she touches the ball with her fingertips, the normal lights in the establishment go out. When she gets up, with only the neon lights on, she realizes that everyone at the party has disappeared, leaving her face to face with a hostile anomalous creature that hunts her throughout the bowling alley of this alternate dimension. In their final confrontation, the girl ends up accidentally killing the creature and retrieves the bowling ball. When tapped on it the lights come back on, revealing a group of people wearing formal clothes in the area before the bowling alley. The girl swallows when she realizes that this is not her size yet.
About the film
"A Outra Festa" is a short film directed by Sophia Leite Lima and written by Mare Montanher, from the university production company Accio Filmes of the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP).
"A Outra Festa" is a short film directed by Sophia Leite Lima and written by Mare Montanher, from the university production company Accio Filmes of the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP).
Websérie / Show - Vislumbres Paranormais/
Paranormal Glimpses
A série segue o conflito que desencadeia depois de três desconhecidos adentrarem o estúdio de um podcast sobre terror e coisas paranormais, para supostamente fugirem da chuva. Ao ponto que os apresentadores deste programa começam a questionar as intenções dos desconhecidos, coisas paranormais vão acontecendo em sua volta e cada um tenta explicar os acontecimentos de sua maneira.
Sobre a série
Dirigida por Gabriela Esteves, escrita por Sophia Leite Lima e produzida pela Accio Filmes como trabalho interdisciplinar da Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP).
Funções no projeto: Captação de áudio e ator de um dos amigos do Estevam.
The series follows the conflict that erupts after three strangers enter the studio of a podcast about horror and paranormal things, supposedly to escape the rain. To the point that the presenters of this program begin to question the intentions of strangers, paranormal things are happening around them and each one tries to explain the events in their own way.
About the show
Directed by Gabriela Esteves, written by Sophia Leite Lima and produced by Accio Filmes as an interdisciplinary work by the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP).
Directed by Gabriela Esteves, written by Sophia Leite Lima and produced by Accio Filmes as an interdisciplinary work by the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP).
Roles in the project: Audio capture and actor for one of Estevam's friends.
Pânico (Scream) 2022 | Trailer | FAN FILM
Curta-metragem / Short film - A Invasão / The Invasion
Sobre o curta
O curta-metragem "A Invasão" foi realizado à partir da oficina "Direção de Atores" da Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP) ministrada pelo cineasta Paulo Roberto Lustig, em que foram distribuídos personagens e junto da proposta de estudá-los para gravar o curta.
A proposta foi dos alunos do sexto semestre dirigirem os alunos da oficina, criando assim um curta-metragem.
Agente 4 - Calvin Finn
Calvin é um garoto de vários nomes, ele é o hacker da agência e possui um passado solitário e sofrido. Como o Agente 4, ele busca fazer o certo, mesmo que algumas regras precisem ser quebradas.
About the film
The short film "A Invasão" was made based on the "Direction of Actors" workshop at the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) taught by filmmaker Paulo Roberto Lustig, in which characters were distributed and together with the proposal to study them to record the short.
The proposal was for sixth semester students to direct the workshop students, thus creating a short film.
The short film "A Invasão" was made based on the "Direction of Actors" workshop at the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) taught by filmmaker Paulo Roberto Lustig, in which characters were distributed and together with the proposal to study them to record the short.
The proposal was for sixth semester students to direct the workshop students, thus creating a short film.
Agent 4 - Calvin Finn
Calvin is a boy of many names, he is the agency's hacker and has a lonely and suffering past. Like Agent 4, he seeks to do the right thing, even if some rules need to be broken.
Calvin is a boy of many names, he is the agency's hacker and has a lonely and suffering past. Like Agent 4, he seeks to do the right thing, even if some rules need to be broken.
Curta-Metragem / Short film "SCP - 183 - PT"
O Projeto
SCP-183-PT faz parte de um projeto de websérie ambientada no universo de escrita colaborativa SCP. O episódio 0 serve como um curta-metragem e acompanha uma família se mudando para uma nova casa e tendo que lidar com uma anomalia vinda de um artefato estranho.
O projeto conta por meio de Found Footage os ocorridos da falha de segurança de um laboratório da Fundação SCP. Adentramos na narrativa da Fundação com uma nova anomalia a ser estudada e contida, trazendo todo esse universo cheio de mistérios que amamos tanto aqui para o Brasil.
O objetivo com as redes sociais é criar uma narrativa transmídia, englobando tanto o universo SCP como o da produtora DLR (Deep Lore Researchers).
Funções no projeto: Maquiador, social media e ator do personagem Daniel.
The project
SCP-183-PT is part of a show project set in the SCP collaborative writing universe. Episode 0 serves as a short film and follows a family moving into a new house and having to deal with an anomaly coming from a strange artifact.
The project tells, through Found Footage, the occurrences of the security breach of a laboratory of the SCP Foundation. We enter the Foundation's narrative with a new anomaly to be studied and contained, bringing this whole universe full of mysteries that we love so much here to Brazil.
The goal with social networks is to create a transmedia narrative, encompassing both the SCP universe and that of the production company DLR (Deep Lore Researchers).
SCP-183-PT is part of a show project set in the SCP collaborative writing universe. Episode 0 serves as a short film and follows a family moving into a new house and having to deal with an anomaly coming from a strange artifact.
The project tells, through Found Footage, the occurrences of the security breach of a laboratory of the SCP Foundation. We enter the Foundation's narrative with a new anomaly to be studied and contained, bringing this whole universe full of mysteries that we love so much here to Brazil.
The goal with social networks is to create a transmedia narrative, encompassing both the SCP universe and that of the production company DLR (Deep Lore Researchers).
Roles in the project: Makeup artist, social media and actor of the character Daniel.